Resource Library 2

This is our library of resources and research including international and Canadian reports, videos, webinars and backgrounders on the implementation of the right to housing.

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Alternative Federal Budget 2023
Rising to the Challenge
| Published: 2022

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Canada continues to face a multitude of challenges that are deepening the housing crisis, including profit-driven corporate investments in housing (i.e., the “financialization” of housing). To address these pressing concerns and demonstrate a path forward, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has released their Alternative Federal Budget (AFB) for 2023, crafted alongside various NRHN partners.

In its first chapter on housing affordability and homelessness, the AFB cites Canada’s international and domestic obligations to uphold the fundamental human right to housing (including the 2019 National Housing Strategy Actand “makes Canada’s signature on these documents a reality by committing to ending homelessness within a decade.”

In direct response to the financialization of housing, it also “takes the wind out of housing investors’ sails and creates new affordable rental, community, social, and co-op housing.”

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Rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants
Website | Published: ND

Saskatchewan, Office of Residential Tenancies

Saskatchewan’s office of residential tenancies outlines the Residential Tenancy Act and the rights that landlords and tenants have in Saskatchewan.

Tenant Association toolkit
Website | Published: 2010

Federation of Metro Tenants’ Associations (FMTA)
Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO)

When tenants become part of a tenants’ association, they are stronger and more effective at making their demands heard. The Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO) has created a Tenant Association Toolkit to help you understand how to become a tenant leader and start a tenants’ association.

Tip sheets for tenants
Website | Published: 2015

Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO)

It’s difficult to navigate the legal system when you are faced with a tenancy problem. The Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (ACTO) has created tip sheets to provide tenants with general legal information.

Ongoing cases
Public Interest Law Centre
Website | Published: 2019

Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)

The Public Interest Law Centre work to assist those who are far too often silenced in legal and public policy debates by providing high quality, evidence based advocacy. You can find their ongoing cases here.

Successful disability rights cases
Public Interest Law Centre
Website | Published: ND

Public Interest Law Centre (PILC)

The Public Interest Law Centre work to assist those who are far too often silenced in legal and public policy debates by providing high quality, evidence based advocacy. You can find their successful disability rights cases here.

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