Resource Library 2

This is our library of resources and research including international and Canadian reports, videos, webinars and backgrounders on the implementation of the right to housing.

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Alternative Federal Budget 2023
Rising to the Challenge
| Published: 2022

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Canada continues to face a multitude of challenges that are deepening the housing crisis, including profit-driven corporate investments in housing (i.e., the “financialization” of housing). To address these pressing concerns and demonstrate a path forward, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has released their Alternative Federal Budget (AFB) for 2023, crafted alongside various NRHN partners.

In its first chapter on housing affordability and homelessness, the AFB cites Canada’s international and domestic obligations to uphold the fundamental human right to housing (including the 2019 National Housing Strategy Actand “makes Canada’s signature on these documents a reality by committing to ending homelessness within a decade.”

In direct response to the financialization of housing, it also “takes the wind out of housing investors’ sails and creates new affordable rental, community, social, and co-op housing.”

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The United Nations (UN) Committee on the Rights of the Child Concluding Observations
PDF | Published: 2022

The United Nations (UN) Committee on the Rights of the Child

The United Nations (UN) Committee on the Rights of the Child called on the Canadian government to address the ways children’s rights continue to be neglected, especially where Indigenous and racialized children, children in poverty, and children with disabilities are concerned. 

Left Behind: Social Housing
National Housing Strategy
Website | Published: 2022

Le Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain (FRAPRU)

This leaflet summarizes the impacts that the National Housing Strategy has on the right to adequate housing.

Claiming the Right to Housing for Indigenous Women, Two-Spirit, and Gender-diverse peoples
Homeless on Homelands
PDF | Published: 2022

Keepers of the Circle

This human rights claim, developed by the National Indigenous Feminist Housing Working Group, articulates the key violations of our inherent rights that must be reviewed by the Federal Housing Advocate.

Claiming the Right to Housing for Women and Gender-Diverse People
The Crisis Ends with Us
PDF | Published: 2022

The Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network (WNHHN)

This human rights claim, developed by the WNHHN Human Rights Task Force, articulates the key violations of the right to housing experienced by marginalized women and gender-diverse people across Canada.

The Right to Housing in Canada: Backgrounder and Fact Sheet
PDF | Published: 2020

The National Right to Housing Network (NRHN)

This backgrounder outlines the goals of the National Right to Housing Network and an overview of what the right to housing means in Canada.

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