Written Submissions to the Financialization Review Panel

Over 190 written submissions were made to Canada’s first human rights-based review panel on the financialization of purpose-built rental housing. Below are some of the submissions that have been shared with us by Network partners for public viewing.

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The Federal Housing Advocate is one of the three core accountability mechanisms introduced under Canada’s first right to housing legislation, the 2019 National Housing Strategy Act (NHSA). 

One of the key responsibilities of the Federal Housing Advocate is to identify systemic housing issues and refer them to a three-person review panel which will hold hearings, issue opinions, and make recommendations to the Minister about what measures are required for compliance with Canada’s obligation to progressively realize the right to housing.

The Federal Housing Advocate’s preliminary recommendations to the first review panel on the issue of the financialization of purpose-built rental housing are available for public viewing here.

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The National Right to Housing Network would like to thank the following funders and organizations for making our work around the review panel possible:

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